
One day at Sundtagymnasiet!

Helloo! I brought my camera one day at school and this is some of the pictures from that day. 

This is me and my friend Ia!

My school - Sundstagymnasiet!

This is what's welcoming you when entering the building.

Beatles did their first performance outside Britain at Sundstagymnasiet in 1963, quite cool I think :)
We have a recycling prodject at our school - for example, we throw different garbage in different kind of dustbins.
This is the entrance to our library.

Computers and magazines are just a few of all the things you can find here.

This is our cafeteria, which I often visit. Daim is my favourite :)

Some of my musical friends!

Emiel, one of my classmates. 

And this is me, Ia and Stina! 
I mostly play the piano and sing, Stina also sings and Ia plays the flute and sings she too! 

This was all from me for now! /Kristin, Karlstad Youth Council

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